
  • Harry Potter
  • Little Women, Good Wives, Little Men, Jo's Boys
  • Lord of the Rings
  • Mister God, This is Anna
  • River God
  • The little Prince
  • Wheel of Time - the entire series

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Ok..so a friend deserves a special mention.
It goes like this -

PB's pissed off at work and life in general...shes coming down a one way street and asks us to come to her car(to pick us up - us being pootu, mickey and NSD), instead of coming further down the street.
So i know shes pissed and all...and i say ok..

NSD (Being NSD) says - "Is she like, really Dumb or something?" !!
And Pootu (Being Pootu) tells her!

So we get into the car, and NSD says "But i really did think it was dumb", by which time of course PB's losing her cool.

The life of my friends affords me a lot of amusement. Seriously speaking though? I love them all to death :D

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


I've fallen in love..again..with Calcutta this time.
Reached there. Loved it. Period.

The city is incredible..in no other city have i seen such old world charm..
Of course, i was privilaged to have been staying with an amazing friend. And she is privilaged to be a member of Tolly club. Still.

Ok. Ill start at the beginning.
To my mind, calcutta is a city of sights - the tram, howrah bridge, writers building, fog in the evening, early sunsets...
And smells - Kachori, amazing fish curry, rolls, spicy soup...lemony chicken..
And people -PB took me to tolly club for lunch..ive never seen such a relaxed, joyful crowd..or such amazing food. The people on the road..no pushing..no shoving..everyones so polite..and nice to u..everyones warm..and friendly

PB's parents made up a barbeque at home...ive never been to a barbeque before..its was awesome..
Poots Nani made some amazing food...and fed me :D

And friends - we went everywhere..actually we didnt..we went to someplace else..again, and again..

Mickey came down..so we went again..music and beer. Dance. Food.

The best bit was - we went to xaviers. And their football/cricket field? Well...we did cartwheels on the field. Just like that. For the heck of it. Like kids.
The bestest bit was - we hired a small boat..and the boatman took us out under the new bridge. Te bridge to the heavens..

It was fantastic..absolutely fantastic.