
  • Harry Potter
  • Little Women, Good Wives, Little Men, Jo's Boys
  • Lord of the Rings
  • Mister God, This is Anna
  • River God
  • The little Prince
  • Wheel of Time - the entire series

Thursday, September 20, 2007


When i was six, i read my first book. Our family has an awesome collection of books.

Anyway, it was called "The three little golliwogs" by Enid Blyton. And i fell in love. Wiggie, Waggie and Wollie became the centrestage of my life, and set the scene for so many more books to come.

I lived through those books, i cried, i laughed, i sighed and i loved through those books.

When Beth died, i cried. When Tara left Rhett, i screamed in frustration...and when Dill ran away and came to Scout, i jumped and clapped my hands.

But i have to warn you. I dont read books that make me think. I read books that make me live the character.

I havent been reading in a long time..and maybe that was what was wrong.

But recently, i went to Daryagunj in delhi. It was incredible..i got an armful of books..and then another armful..it was one of my truly happy times in this city.

So then,
Judy Blume told me "God is a nice idea. He belongs to everybody"

I got hold of a copy of Horse Whisperer and Tom Booker is now my new hero.

I explored Dublin with Meave Binchy.

Rincewind makes my soul feel better. He truly does.

And finally, im reading again.

Sex and the City

Ive decided to watch Sex and the City in huge doses..its incredible..how many people out there actually obsess like this?
Is he wierd?
Does he like dogs?
Does he listen to Backstreet boys?

Its funny, how important unimportant things can become. Atleast, ive always felt theyre unimportant...but then..lots of people dont i guess.

TV shows are awesome..u get to watch other people's lives...NOT.
Theyre probably exactly what life is not like.

But what would i know..Im only twenty one....


Well, the last exam of the term..and one more submission..that it..
I'm going home this weekend..we have to visit a port..
And thats another reason why I love Kochi, ITS A PORT :D

Recently, a friend told me that i had no reason to love the place ..other than the fact that it was home..
i dont agree..
The whole backwaters thing is really beautiful..if you dont take it for granted..
The best bit of the monsoon - walking across a bridge in the heavy rain..
My grandmoms house, and a cup of hot tea...
The way you can get anywhere in about twenty minutes :D
Jew Town

So yeah, the roads suck, and u cant really party...
But Kochi is the city of ..well..my heart..