
  • Harry Potter
  • Little Women, Good Wives, Little Men, Jo's Boys
  • Lord of the Rings
  • Mister God, This is Anna
  • River God
  • The little Prince
  • Wheel of Time - the entire series

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


I've fallen in love..again..with Calcutta this time.
Reached there. Loved it. Period.

The city is incredible..in no other city have i seen such old world charm..
Of course, i was privilaged to have been staying with an amazing friend. And she is privilaged to be a member of Tolly club. Still.

Ok. Ill start at the beginning.
To my mind, calcutta is a city of sights - the tram, howrah bridge, writers building, fog in the evening, early sunsets...
And smells - Kachori, amazing fish curry, rolls, spicy soup...lemony chicken..
And people -PB took me to tolly club for lunch..ive never seen such a relaxed, joyful crowd..or such amazing food. The people on the road..no pushing..no shoving..everyones so polite..and nice to u..everyones warm..and friendly

PB's parents made up a barbeque at home...ive never been to a barbeque before..its was awesome..
Poots Nani made some amazing food...and fed me :D

And friends - we went everywhere..actually we didnt..we went to someplace else..again, and again..

Mickey came down..so we went again..music and beer. Dance. Food.

The best bit was - we went to xaviers. And their football/cricket field? Well...we did cartwheels on the field. Just like that. For the heck of it. Like kids.
The bestest bit was - we hired a small boat..and the boatman took us out under the new bridge. Te bridge to the heavens..

It was fantastic..absolutely fantastic.


Keshav said...

the question im going to ask you is.. would you love Buddha's city if you were permanently there and not on holiday?

Meera said...

maybe..maybe not...as of now..im happy :D

Keshav said...

i just like putting a damp cloth over things.