
  • Harry Potter
  • Little Women, Good Wives, Little Men, Jo's Boys
  • Lord of the Rings
  • Mister God, This is Anna
  • River God
  • The little Prince
  • Wheel of Time - the entire series

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I love coffee..
I was at Barista yesterday..let me tell you now..barista serves yucky coffee, noone knows how to make coffee like vimala aunty :)
I went to Barista to meet a friend and hence to convince myself that i do have a social life.
Even though the coffee was bad, the smell of it transported me mentally to vimala aunty's house.
To a time where i would go for tuition..and me and chillu would happily gabble for forty minutes before taking a break. We'd go to the terrace, and watch the water..look for exciting ships...
feel the breeze on our faces..
And then come back down and gabble for another hour before i was picked up by my mom.
All the while we'd be sipping coffee..and munching Peanuts..or what mallus call 'mixture'.

I loved tose times. Wish we could be back in school..pretending to study math.


Keshav said...

you DO have a social life..
gmail, blogger, orkut..


Keshav said...

and you're right, nobody knows how to make coffee like vimala aunty.

Koyel said...

Bongs call it 'mixture' too :D

(And before keshav notes with surprise my presence here(as well)...I came over from his blog.


usha said...

will make amma read this blog more often ... haha....

and, dont forget lying on our backs looking for odd-shaped clouds... i tried that again recently..... it seems clouds no longer take interesting shapes......... they all look like whisps of formless smoke....

wishing i could see those teddy-bears in the skies again...

Unknown said...

i would be a hypocrite if i say i hate barista.. but after manipal i sorta hate it.. coz it makes u feel pretty victimised.. when they really rip u off.. for normal coffee. damn how i wish u were here...

Unknown said...

god how i hate people telling u to walk like a girl. it really is annoying.. i mean, its my walk.why the hell do they care? its almost like not loving pink is a crime these days

Roshan said...

I have to agree with you there. There is a Barista here in Cochin and their coffee sucks although I do love their decor and setting over looking the sea.